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The Packing List For Female Travelers Who Don’t Know What To Pack

Don’t worry, I’ve put together a travel packing list of everything I’ve ever used or needed from my travels. I know that it can be difficult to predict what things you’ll need before you need them, or just having it all figured out especially if you are new to traveling. I’ll throw in why you will need items too, in case you are like wtf is that and why would I bring it.


When I went on my first trip, I packed SO MUCH clothes-wise, and I ended up using hardly any of it! I think a lot of us have this idea in our minds that we will be doing this and that, and need an outfit for each thing. But the reality is, once you’re there and out and about, you realize how little you actually need! You’re going to be out there exploring, hiking mountains, jumping in oceans, and you won’t need all those 12301410x outfits you thought you needed. Or hey, maybe you will ?!


Now this list is comprehensive, meaning it is literally a list of everything I use. And it is long because I have not had a “home” in almost two years. So everything you would normally use/have waiting for you back at home and in between travels, I carry with me. But if you are planning on doing long extended travels for months or years at a time, this travel packing list will have everything you’ll need! Click here for a printable checklist!


If you are doing a shorter trip though, a few days, weeks, or a month, then look over it and take everything you WILL use/need and dismiss the rest! What makes this list heavy, are the electronics. If you aren’t big into photography, videography, etc., then you will save a lot of space and weight by not bringing the bulk of the electronics.

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The First Decision:

What Are You Packing It All In?


This is a biggie because if you’re backpacking, you’re going to want a bag that is comfortable AND user friendly. When you are hopping from city to city every few days, packing and unpacking will become annoying as HELL trust me. To make it less painful, you want to have a bag that won’t drive you nuts when it comes to looking for stuff and grabbing what you need. Also, the weight of it all can really hurt your back if the weight is not distributed properly when you’re walking all over bfe on dirt roads.

The first couple of times I went traveling to Europe I used a backpack that opened from the top. Terrible idea. Now I travel with a backpack that zips open like a suitcase, so I can easily see everything and grab what I need, without having to unpack EVERYTHING because what I need is at the very bottom of the bag.

And I also use travel compression cubes to keep all of my clothes organized, so I know exactly where shirts are, without rummaging through all of my pants. The travel cubes also help to keep everything squished together nice and neat so that I use the room inside my bag wisely. If you haven’t used travel cubes before, I definitely recommend it!

The size of the bag you want to bring will depend on how long you’re going for and how much stuff you’re bringing. I think you can get away with a carry-on for anything 55L and below. I bought the 70L for my year-long travel that I am still using but I always have to check it in as a luggage. Most people opt for something around the 40L range which is a great size if you don’t need a bunch of crap.

I personally love this osprey bag because it’s comfortable when I wear it, the weight is distributed to my hips and not my shoulders/back, zips open like a suitcase and comes with a daypack attached. This is the 70L but they also make this exact style in smaller sizes (30L, 40L, 46L, 55L).

packing list - girl taking photo of elephant on a safari in sri lanka

Travel Packing List: Electronics


This is easily my favorite section and I like to have allll the things. What travel packing list would be complete without toys? Playing with electronics is fun, and is an awesome way to document your travels. You want to make sure if you are bringing these, that you have all the working parts and don’t forget bits and pieces at home. Once I brought my GoPro to the Bahamas to capture snorkeling on the reefs and when I got there, realized I didn’t have the charger and it was dead. Talk about disappointed!

These are heavy and take up a lot of room. I usually store these in a smaller backpack that I carry with me on my front side. Keep them close to you at all times because the bag will obviously be very expensive with everything in it. Another good reason to have travel insurance that will cover your personal belongings is in the unfortunate case you happen to get stolen from or robbed.


Unlocked cellphone

This is important if you are going to be traveling for a long period and want to use a local sim card. If you do not have an unlocked phone, you will not be able to use a local sim. Using a local sim card is way cheaper than paying for an international phone plan with your carrier.

Portable charger

Very useful to have if you are out and about for long periods of time, using your electronics. If you are out hiking and need to charge your phone, your music speaker, your camera, etc. Rest assured you can never worry about your things dying if you have a portable charger!

Travel adaptor

If you are going to a foreign country, this is an absolute must. Your items will not plug into a foreign outlet, so make sure you have this so that you can continue to charge and/or use everything!


If you’re on a plane, a bus, or a train, you’ll want to have these handy to listen to music, podcasts, or watch Netflix. Especially if you’re staying in a hostel dorm room, no one wants to hear what you are watching in your bed.

.Portable speaker

If you are a music lover, music makes everything better so bringing one of these is bound to make your days at the beach, out on the boat, or hiking for hours in the jungle more enjoyable

Extra memory cards

It can be super annoying when you’re at an awesome location getting great shots and your memory card is full. By having extra on hand, you can pop a new one in and start shooting without having to sit there and go through manually deleting pics to make room.

Chargers and cords

Check to make sure you have the chargers and cords for each device!! nothing sucks more than not being able to use the device you brought because you forgot to bring the cord/charger. Also IDK if you’ve noticed, but those pesky little iPhone chargers like to break often. I always have spares.


I wouldn’t bring this unless you plan on uploading your photos straight away, need to work from it, etc. You can watch Netflix on your phone and do everything else when you get home if you’re on a shorter trip.


If you enjoy taking photos, mainly with you in them, and plan to be doing a lot of things solo or don’t like the hassle of asking others, a tripod is a great way to still get epic shots.


I only use mine for being in the water. Some people like to use theirs for everything. That’s totally up to you! But I always bring mine because I know I will always eventually end up in the water.

GoPro Stick/Waterproof

I have my GoPro mounted on a stick and in its waterproof housing. The stick helps me to hold on to it because the damn thing is so small. And it is also buoyant meaning if I drop it, it doesn’t sink to the bottom, it floats to the surface! The waterproof housing allows it to go underwater. But I am pretty sure the newer ones come waterproof already. My BF once found someone’s GoPro sunk to the bottom of the reef. Don’t be that person!


My camera is my favorite travel accessory! I got this exact one and it’s perfect. But if you don’t have one, that’s totally okay as the new iPhones take great photos. I literally do take my camera with me everywhere though. And if you have different lenses for it, you’ll want to make sure you bring the ones you use the most!


A drone is an awesome toy to have. You’re able to capture sick videos and photos from an angle that most can’t. Be careful when using them though, because a lot of countries have drone laws. Some countries don’t even allow you in with one, so just do your research before traveling with one to avoid any fines/penalties.

Travel Packing List: Toiletries


This is usually the smallest part of everyone’s bag. And if you’re on a short trip, then it easily can be done. However, I like to use certain products because I am huge into skincare and haircare so I don’t skip out on this and/or use cheap local products that may have poor quality ingredients. So this section is a MUST for my travel packing list. The first half of my travels I was using the cheapest products I could find as I went along, and it ended up wreaking havoc on my hair. So never again!

packing list - toiletries on counter

And plus, I CANNOT STRESS ENOUGH how important skincare is. So ladies, do yourself a favor and don’t skip out on your skincare routine, even while traveling. You’re exposing your skin to pollutants, toxins, dirt, and more sun time than you normally would at home.


Try and find mini versions of these items to save room in your bag. Or you can wait until you get to your destination and do a quick store run and buy them locally. This way you don’t have to use up valuable room in your luggage or worry about having liquids if you are only bringing a carry-on.


  • Shampoo + conditioner
    • Don’t rely on places having these on hand for you to use. Normally you will need to bring your own. Some people like bar soaps, like from Lush, because they are light, pack easily, and are not a “liquid” for carry-on bag purposes. I personally didn’t like the conditioner bar as it made my hair feel like straw, but try it out for yourself. A tip if you don’t already know: don’t use products with sulfates, silicones, parabens, or dyes!
  • Body wash + razor
    • Some people save room by doubling their shampoo as a body wash or getting a bar soap. If you get the bar soap, make sure you get the little container to hold it in. Otherwise, it will get slimy and melt all over your stuff. And yes, you are able to bring a razor in a carry-on. I see this question all the time. If you want to avoid shaving all together – consider getting waxed!
  • FacewashĀ 
    • Please please please do not forget to wash your face or choose not to. And most importantly, do not use some crappy ole handsoap you find in the hostel bathroom. The skin on your face is delicate and you should treat it so. I recently started using pure honey as my face wash, and have been using it for the last 4 months. I love it and honey can be found anywhere you travel to.
  • Moisturizer/serums
    • If you don’t want to bring all of your serums, at the very least bring your moisturizer. You should be moisturizing daily, twice a day to keep that skin hydrated! This is the second most important thing you should be doing to your skin.


  • SPF/Sunblock
    • I cannot stress enough how important wearing SPF DAILY is. Especially when traveling because you are outside almost 24/7 exploring. Even if it’s cloudy, you are still getting sun exposure and protecting your skin is so important. I put on sunscreen before I go outside, and on my body too. Wearing sunscreen does not mean you can’t get tan, for all my tanning goddesses out there. Pack this – and a lot of it! SPF is expensive in Asia, btw! If you are going to be going swimming/snorkeling/diving though, you should be wearing SPF that is reef-friendly like this below.


    • Lotion
      • I don’t know about you, but I lotion my entire body every single time I get out of the shower. I hate being ashy, crusty, you name it. Moisturize your face, moisturize that body girl!
    • Deodorant
      • Some people go au natural, but that is not me my friend. I love me some deodorant and prefer the powder kind which is so hard to find in other countries. I’m not one that’s big on switching deodorant (yet), but I have a friend who is all about using more natural products.
    • Hand sanitizer
      • You should always have some of this in your purse/daypack. A lot of 2nd/3rd world countries don’t have soap in their public restrooms and you just never know when you want to eat something and need to clean your hands. Surfaces be hella dirty out there and especially with COVID going on, you want clean hands when soap isn’t available.


    • Makeup
      • I think when traveling you realize you don’t need this. Nowadays I hardly ever wear it. But I do understand some girls feel more comfortable when they do, so by all means bring what you need. I totally understand though because before traveling I used to wear a full face of makeup for everything! Now I only do it for a fun night out on the town. This is hands down my favorite mascara, above all of the expensive sephora/ulta products because it goes on, and only comes off with hot water. And the best part is that it comes off in pieces, so it does not and cannot smear! Perfect for hot, sweaty days or going swimming. Never worry about raccoon eyes!
    • Toothbrush + toothpaste
      • This is a big duh. I hope no one is leaving home without this! I love to use an electric toothbrush, so I bring mine with me and the charger. If you’re going to be using a regular one though, you should look into getting some sustainable brushes like bamboo.


    • Hairbush + hairties
      • Did you know that when your hair is wet, it’s weaker meaning it’s more susceptible to damage? Get yourself one of those wet brushes, so you can brush your hair straight out of the shower without causing too much damage! And you can never have too many hair ties because as a girl you know you damn well will lose them and break them. Stuff them in all of your bags because it sucks if you’re hot and sweaty and can’t throw your hair up cause you can’t find your damn hair tie.
    • Mosquito Repellant
        • Are you prone to getting mosquito bites? If this is you, pack some dang mosquito repellant. I don’t usually get bit by mosquitos, but my boyfriend gets eaten alive by them. If you are going to be somewhere tropical and in the jungle, they will most likely be there and ready to tear up some foreign flesh! Plus – maybe if they aren’t biting you, less likely to get malaria?!
      • Immodium
        • DO NOT TRAVEL WITHOUT THIS. If you’ve ever heard of people getting food poisoning, delhi belly, bali belly, or any kind of belly, this is the saving grace. I got food poisoning 4-5 times last year traveling!! You don’t know where or when you’re gonna get it, but chances are pretty high you might. And when you’re sitting there in your room feeling like death, you’re gonna wish you had packed these little pills. Do not forget them!

      Travel Packing List: Clothing


      This is the section most will think they need the most of on their travel packing list. Really though, this is the section you need the least of! They say, lay out everything you want to bring and then divide it in half. Try to bring items that are versatile. Pair or layer shirts with dresses, add accessories like belts or scarves to make entirely different outfits with just a few pieces.


      If you want some new looks, try picking up some locally made items to add to your wardrobe along the way. For example, have you really ever been a backpacker in Thailand if you don’t own a pair of elephant pants?

      *Go for light, breathable fabrics, ones that don’t wrinkle easily. Pack for 1-2 weeks, even if you are going for months. You WILL do laundry! Pack accordingly if you are going somewhere warm or cold

      • Rain jacket
          • No matter where you go, there is always a chance of rain. Don’t let not having a rain jacket prevent you from exploring still! You can get a lightweight one that folds up easily in your bag or a heavier one that doubles as a regular jacket for the winter. My cousin gave me this jacket in an XS one in black and it’s my favorite!! I lost it though traveling and will be buying a new one. It’s super cute, warm, and waterproof!



      • Longsleeve shirt/pullover/cardigan
        • Even if you go somewhere where it’s hot in the day, it may cool off in the evenings or have that ocean breeze. Pack something with sleeves to wear with or over your shirts.
      • Shorts/skirts
        • If it’s warm, pack a couple of these to mix and match with outfits.
      • Long pants
        • If the weather is warm, bring at least one of these in case it’s chilly in the evenings. If the weather is cold, bring mainly these and one pair of shorts in case it’s unexpectedly warm.
      • Shirts
        • I prefer shirts with solid patterns as they are easier to match with other things. Bring a few of these!
      • Dresses
        • I love wearing dresses. They are lightweight, take up little room, and are just one item getting rid of the need for a top and bottom. You can wear them to the beach, while hiking, shopping, and make for a great photo opportunity.
      • Bikinis + coverup
        • I like to say, you can never have too many bikinis. Usually I always pack a few options but bringing just 1 or 2 is perfect. I like to bring a coverup too, for those beach or boat days so I don’t have to wear an actual outfit.
      • Panties + Bra
        • I stopped wearing bras since traveling, but I do like to bring just one incase. And panties – I always seem to pack like all the panties I own. I’m not sure why and I think a lot of girls are like this. You most definitely don’t need to but they are so small and take up little room.
      • Socks
        • Bring socks if you are bringing sneakers/hiking boots! You don’t want your skin to rub and get blisters. That is the absolute worst for exploring all day if your feet are getting fucked up.

      Travel Packing List: Shoes


      You do not need as many shoes as you think you do. Believe me. I am the queen of packing too many shoes. And I still do it. When I backpacked for a year, I had 7 pairs of shoes on my travel packing list. And even now on my new adventure in Australia, I’ve brought 7 shoes and bought 2 more. I just personally feel like I need options and I need colors. But shoes are HEAVY and take up valuable room, so if you can stand it, pack minimally!


      *You only really need like 2 shoes.Ā 

      packing list - hiking in mud with hiking boots on
      • Sandals/Flip Flops
          • A good pair of sandals to do everything in: beach, shop walk, explore. Honestly, I did more hiking up mountains and to waterfalls and jungles in my sandals, than I did with my hiking boots. These ones are soo comfy because they have yoga mat material. Mine got stolen at a hostel! I know a lot of people love birktenstocks though, it’s the “backpacker” look you’ll see everyone wearing!


      • Sneakers
        • Close-toed shoes that are comfortable walking in that can be used for exploring, hiking, exercise if that’s what you do, etc.
      • Hiking Boots*
          • If you are using sneakers or hiking boots, you may not need the other. If you are doing some serious hiking though then I highly recommend getting a pair! They can make a world of difference when it comes to traversing the terrain easily. Once when I was hiking in the Philippines, everyone was sinking in the mud while I easily glided over the top! I decided to go with these after reading many reviews on the hiking boots out there. These were repeatedly recommended for their comfort and ability to wear without breaking in. These claims turned out to be true as I never broke them in and went straight into wearing them hiking on my travels! So comfy, never get blisters, and can wear them for hoursss.


      • Pair of heels*
        • You do NOT NEED these. But if you want to go to fancy dinners, nightclubs, or celebrate special occasions, it can be nice to have a favorite pair of strappy heels that take up little room. I brought a pair on my year-long travels. Idgaf if it’s looked down upon for “backpacking”.
      packing list - girl laying on tesalate sand free beach towel
      Travel Packing List:



      There’s a whole lot of other shit you can add to your travel packing list and that’s everything here below. You may not need it all as it will depend upon where you plan on sleeping and where you’re going.

      These items are specifically great for travelers. You will thank me when it comes to trying to protect your shit from getting stolen, save $, being prepared, and trying to sleep in hostels and overnight buses.

      • Microfiber towel
          • These towels are perfect for traveling because they are light, fold up easily, and most importantly: dry fast! Have these for taking showers in your hostel, as some places charge to rent a towel or don’t even provide them at all, and even for taking to the beach.


      • Sarong or beach towel
        • I love using a sarong because it can double as a skirt, as a covering for going to temples, for your shoulders if its cold, and as something to layout on at the beach. I also use the Tesalate beach towel because it folds up easily and is sand-free. Perfect for the beach!
      • Waterproof bag
        • Totally not necessary but cool to have if you go out on the boat a lot, canoeing, or kayaking. You can through all of your stuff in and prevent it from getting damaged if you happen to go overboard. Once I was kayaking and got tossed by the waves and everything in my bag was safe! I got one in SE Asia for like $2 at one of the markets.
      • Crossbody Purse/bag/day pack
        • You’ll definitely want to have something to carry with you during the day. Ideally, something that crosses your front or that you can wear on your front. Theft is common and if you are in a crowded space you sometimes can not feel if someone is rummaging around your backside. Protect everything by wearing it across your front at all times. I always wear the dayback that came with my travel backpack.
      • Mini lock + Big lock
          • Locks are so important!! I like to have a small lock for my backpacks, to help keep intruders out of my stuff or to at least let me know if something has been tampered with if its broken. A big lock for using a locker at a hostel. Always lock your bags up! I’ve heard horror stories of people having their things stolen from them from other travelers. Keep your valuables locked up!


      • Sunglasses
        • Protect your eyes from the sun! I’m horrible at wearing these but I try to make it a point to. Having the sun glare in your eyes sucks so don’t forget to bring a pair of these bad boys. Raybans are my fav.
      • A hat
        • It can be hot AF outside and using a hat can help provide you some shade and protection from the sun and its harmful rays.
      • Reusable water bottle
          • No one should be traveling without this. Plastic water bottle usage is insane and we should prevent our impact as travelers by at the very least using a reusable water bottle. Refill it at your hostel/airbnb/hotel. You save $$ on constantly buying water and you use less plastic. Its a win/win! I love the yeti water bottles as Yeti is. a great brand known for keeping your liquids ice cold or steaming hot for hoursss. I once left my waterbottle overnight in my car in hot ass Florida and the next day I still had ice in my cup.


      • Reusable bag + straw
          • I always have one of these stuffed down at the bottom of my bag. When you go shopping somewhere and pick up a few things, just throw them in your bag rather than using a plastic bag from the store. Just try to be more ecofriendly! Every small part helps. Also, ditch the friggin straws. Bring your own reusable one, or opt for places that use paper or bamboo ones. If they don’t have one, then don’t use it. I doubt you use a straw at home anyway. This is the one that I was gifted by a friend, buy a pack and give the others away if you don’t need all 4.


      • Earplugs + eyemask
        • Some people can fall asleep anywhere. I am not one of those people. Earplugs and an eye mask can help you sleep better when you’re in public places like a bus, train, plane, or hostel.
      • Carabiner
          • These are freakin awesome to have! Have a few of these on hand and you can literally attach anything to the outside of your backpack. Hang shoes there, other bags, etc.


      • 2-in-1 Curler/Straightener
          • I’d say don’t bother bringing hair tools, but if you are someone who likes to or needs to do their hair, then having a 2-in-1 is amazing. Instead of packing both, you can have the option of both only using one tool! I love it. I personally don’t bring a hairdryer, because usually places will have one but I primarily rely on air drying.


      • Passport/ID
        • Always bring your ID. If you are going to a foreign country though, do not forget your passport. You will be fucked at the airport or the border. Check and triple check you packed it!
      • Credit cards/money
        • Don’t forget your money. If you are going to a foreign country, don’t worry about getting money in their currency ahead of time. Just pull it out at the ATM there. Make sure you have your cards, and even a backup card just in case of emergencies.
      • Travel documents/visas
        • If you need a visa ahead of time, don’t forget to bring it with you to the airport. As well as any other documents you might need. Being in the digital age though most everything you will need you can have it stored in your email, easily accessible from your phone. Have it all in one place ready to go in case it’s needed, this includes your travel insurance information.

      Travel Packing List: Complete!


      That’s it! Hope you discovered some new items for your travels to add to your travel packing list that you didn’t know could be useful. Good luck packing and enjoy your trip!! If you didn’t see it before, here is the printable checklist! list for ease.

      xx, christine

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      1. Demi

        Great tips. How nicely you’ve put everything together Thanks for sharing

        • Christine Poore


      2. Julia Bocchese

        Such a helpful list! I really need to get some locks, I hadn’t thought about that before. Do you have any recommendations for where to find small bottles of skincare products? I also used to cheap products when I traveled, but I have a hard time finding little bottles of nice products!

        • Christine Poore

          oh I know that struggle! it seems the skincare lines that I use, don’t have small products. It’s very annoying so I suck it up and check my bag which is fine because I’m traveling with a 70L anyways (haven’t been home in two years). I suggest looking at sephora for some of the better lines and see if that have travel-sized versions? Some do by the checkout section!

      3. Lana

        Love this post! I definitely have made that mistake of overpacking way too often haha! Compression cubes are an absolute lifesaver! Unlocked cellphone is one that needs to be spoken about way more, the local sims are so cheap and easy to use! I bought so many clothes abroad, and i love them all. This is such a great packing list!

        • Christine Poore

          haha same girl! i think a lot of us do lol. And yes, buying clothes while traveling is the best! it literally helps you to have clothes that are perfect for the weather i.e. those super light cheap clothes in Thailand for that hot humid air!

      4. Charlotte

        DEFIANTLY going to use this to help pack for my Next trip!

        • Christine Poore

          yay šŸ™‚ glad to be of assistance!

      5. Patricija

        What a useful post! Drone is definitely a must for me too šŸ™‚

        • Christine Poore

          Thank you! Yes!! I am a brand new drone owner haha so yay šŸ™‚


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