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So there I was, sitting on an airplane, going on my first solo trip – wondering what the heck I was doing.

I was embarking on my first solo vacation, a journey that would be unlike any other vacation I’ve been on before. And trust me, I’ve been on a lot. There was a big part of me that was scared and sad when I left my best friend at the airport because I knew whatever was about to happen, was going to change me forever. I just knew it. 

 I felt scared, anxious, nervous, excited, and happy, all at the same time. A million emotions were rushing through me simultaneously, with no one to share them with. I was going to backpack around Bali for a month, on a solo vacation. With zero experience as a “backpacker”, as a solo traveler, or navigating a non-western country. I didn’t know if I was prepared enough or street smart enough, but I thought to myself, oh what the hell. There’s no turning back now!

solo vacation - yummy healthy breakfast at cafe in bali
solo vacation - girl sitting in pool at yoga retreat in canggu bali

Getting Settled

Only the first planned first four days of my trip was planned, so that I could be flexible and go with the flow. I knew that I wanted to relax the first few days, so I booked a room at this very cute yoga retreat.

It was everything you imagine when you think of Bali: vegan cafe, pools with flower petals, yoga spaces, cute decor. The food was so yummy and creative. I’m not a vegan by any means, but I definitely could become one if I was able to eat this food all the time!

New Place, Strange Sounds

My sleep schedule was out of wack for about a week, due to jet-lag and the massive time difference. On my first night, I woke up at about 2 am. It was pitch black outside and I really had to pee, but I kept hearing the craziest noises coming out of my bathroom (the bathroom had no roof). There was so much banging! I didn’t know what it was, but since I was by myself there was NO WAY I was going to go looking, so I had to wait to go until the sun came up!

Then at about 5 am, I started to hear some loud noises, which sounded like someone chanting. It was as if it was coming from the sky. It went on. fora while and I could not figure out what it was. I later learned that it is the call to prayer and that this occurs around the island all throughout the day. Between all of that and the roosters next door, I knew I was not about to be sleeping in the next few days.

solo vacation - sunset at the beach in canggu bali

Exploring Canggu

While in Canggu, I rode a bike all around taking in the beautiful scenery and luscious green fields. I would walk up and down the black sandy beaches, relax, and have cocktails at all of the pool bars right on the beach. Every night I would venture down to the beach and be sure to catch the amazing sunsets. I really loved Canggu, it is easily my favorite city in Bali, especially on a solo vacation.

In fact, after my 4 days, I extended for another three but decided to try out a home-stay. A home-stay is a local family that offers accommodation within their home. I found this really nice family, who had a private room for me to stay in. I sat around with the host and she made me some traditional food. Even though the language barrier was a bit hard, they made me feel at home!

I ended up meeting two American girls that I spent time hanging out with. One of the girls really wanted to do this energy healing that Bali is known for, so I decided that I would try it too!

solo vacation - energy healing spa in uluwatu bali

My Experience With Energy Healing

There’s a famous high priestess named Ibu Jero, that we tracked down at a gorgeous spa overlooking the ocean.  When it was my turn to go, she took me into a room, and I laid down on a table and closed my eyes. She then proceeded to put these (stones?) on each of my chakras and applied pressure to them making all kinds of very strange noises.

Many of them were very loud, very long burps. I don’t exactly know what was going on, but in the end, she told me which of my chakras were blocked and that she cleared them. I don’t know if I believe in this stuff, but I figured it couldn’t hurt to try! When in Rome, as they say.

Exploring Seminyak

After I left Canggu, I decided to spend a couple of days in Seminyak, the next city over. This city is well-known for its drinking and party scene, and it did not disappoint.

While there I met this German guy who was telling me all about his story of how he just finished a 3-month solo motorbike adventure through Asia. Just listening to his story, gave me so many ideas of things that I wanted to do myself. I think that is one of my favorite parts of traveling. The people you meet, and the stories they tell.


On one of the days, I joined the American girls I had met on an all-day tour exploring temples. I was marveling at all of the temples because of how beautiful they were in design and intricacy. The Balinese culture is heavily imbedded with their religion, and these sacred temples are a beautiful testament to that.

Our guides also took us on a long hike into the jungle, where we were rewarded with the most beautiful waterfall. If you ever go to Bali, I highly recommend you check it out!

solo vacation - girl standing under waterfall in bali
traveling solo

The Taxi Ride

This taxi ride has officially become one of the most strangest taxi rides I have ever taken.

So after Seminyak, I wanted to go to the very south of the island, to Uluwatu. I hired a taxi cab from this app called Grab, it’s essentially their uber.

(*note – this app as well as Gojek, charge prices that are significantly lower than the local taxi. But be careful when using because the taxi mafia in Bali is a real thing! You don’t want to get in trouble on your solo vacation)

On the way, my driver asked if I wanted to see the large statue that was being built (this statue is the 2nd largest in the world).

The statue is so huge, you can see it from a distance. I said I’d love to see it, especially since it was on the way. When we arrived at the park that it was in, we turned into the main entrance. So far, so good.

Then all of a sudden we turned right onto this dirt road, where we ended up following along this path by these abandoned buildings, right up into a trail in the woods. I thought to myself, well… Isn’t this like every horror movie I’ve ever seen? PLEASE dear god let there be a statue at the end of this trail.


Mind you, I didn’t have a local sim card or data on my phone. But lo and behold, we eventually got to the top of this mountain and there it was. The huge statue. He pulled over to let me get out and take some pictures. I was worried about nothing! Phew


After that, we were continuing on to Uluwatu when he asked if I wanted to stop by his house so his wife could meet me. He said his wife loves to meet tourists that he drives around, that it makes her so happy. I figured sure, why not. But again, had this little voice in the back of my head that was saying please let there be a wife.

When we arrived in his neighborhood, he honked the horn, and out came his wife! Oh thank god, I thought. He invited me in to their home to have tea. Then out came a baby. They gave me the baby to hold, and started taking tons of pictures of me with their baby. Unfortunately, the wife couldn’t speak any English, so my conversation with them was very limited. A taxi ride that normally takes 2 hours, turned into 3 after that experience.

solo vacation - overlooking the cliffs in uluwatu into the ocean

Exploring Uluwatu

When I arrived in Uluwatu, I could instantly tell this city was different. There was barely any traffic and things were spaced far apart. It was chill.

I ventured out to the beach and could see the waves here were phenomenal, and I now know why it’s a surfers paradise. Uluwatu is perched on top of cliffs offering the best views overlooking the ocean.

I spent my days here hanging out with this other group of Germans I met (I have come to learn that Germans are the #1 world travelers, you will literally find them everywhere), watching people surf, and seeing epic sunsets. It was here that I met the guy I would end up traveling the majority of my trip the following year! Funny how life works out like that.

I also met a guy here who I mistook to be a cool, fellow American traveler. But he got so crazy when I wouldn’t answer his texts that he threatened to follow me to my next destination! Beware, ladies, not all travelers have the best intentions!

On my last night I went to this big party at the bar on top of the cliff, Single Finns. It occurs every Sunday, and if you’re ever in Bali, I highly suggest you try to be in Uluwatu for it!


On the way, I met these two girls, and we and the Germans spent the night drinking and dancing away on this epic cliff, under the night sky, overlooking the ocean. At the end of the night, we were all wasted, walking home.

The Germans were singing these folk songs together, and I couldn’t help but think what a wonderful world I’m living in where I can interact with so many different cultures. That’s the beauty of a solo vacation, you never know who you’ll meet!

solo vacation - 3 girls posing in a mirror photo in uluwatu bali

Fourth Stop: Gili Trawangan

The next morning I had a taxi arranged to pick me up to take me to the ferries to go to my next destination, Gili T. But after being up late all night drinking, I didn’t pack and when I woke up I had a raging hangover.

I rushed to throw everything together and get in the cab. Unluckily for me, I didn’t have any water, the ride was 2 hours long, and we were weaving in and out of traffic. Needless to say, I felt like I was dying back there.

When I got to the harbor, I met these two girls from California, who also happen to be Vietnamese like me! We instantly clicked and sat together on the boat. The boat ride was so rough, and if you’ve ever been to Bali you know how those “fast ferries” can be. I am not normally one who gets sea sick, but with my hangover I had to take one of those nausea pills.

solo vacation - romantic heart structure in sand of beach in gili islands

Finally we arrived to the island where I booked a room at my first party hostel. Turns out that was a bad idea for someone who needed to take a nap to ward off a hangover. Between the loud music, the constant laughter, and the loud call to prayers on the island’s sound system, it was impossible to sleep. So I got up and decided to explore the island.

Gili T is a pretty small island. It only took about 2 hours to walk the entirety of it. There are absolutely no vehicles on it. Just bicycles, horse-drawn buggies, and people walking on foot.

Trying Mushroom Shakes

On my way back to the hostel, I ran into the two girls from the ferry at a bar. I joined them for drinks. After a few drinks, we decided to try what the island is known for: mushroom shakes.

All over the island, you can see signs advertising these special mushroom shakes. So we asked around for a good place, picked a table, and ordered up a round. We didn’t know what to expect, so we didn’t opt for the strong one. Then we cheered, and down the rabbit hole we went. We ended up at this other bar, sitting on the couch, laughing uncontrollably together. It was a fun time and only lasted about an hour or two.

solo vacation - 3 girls cheering with their mushroom shakes in gili islands

The Day of Ferries

I hadn’t planned this next journey very well, and it was a long day of riding in very bumpy boats. I had to take a ferry from Gili back to Bali, then from Bali to Nusa Penida.

The waves were so rough, we had people vomiting out of the back the entire ride. Thankfully, I don’t get seasick. And these ferries do not dock at, well, docks. They pull up to the beach but have to anchor out a bit from the shore. So you have to get out and walk in water up to your waist, carrying your bag over your head.

By the time I had arrived at Nusa, it had been an extremely long day of rough seas, no food or water, and lots of being wet and carrying heavy bags. To say I was at the end of my rope would be an understatement.

When I got to Nusa, I had to use the restroom really bad and was greeted with my first Asian toilet. I’m referring to a hole in the ground you have to squat over, with a bucket of water you use to “flush”. Then on top of that, I didn’t know how I was going to get to the Airbnb I had booked, and I had no phone service/wifi and it was getting dark.

solo vacation - asian style toilet in the ground in nusa penida island

I don’t know if I mentioned this, but my dumbass didn’t bring a backpack to go backpacking! I had brought a rolling suitcase and all the roads were dirt and rocks.

So now I was having to carry my suitcase down the road, with all of these taxis beeping at me and asking me if I need a ride. (If you’ve been to SE Asia, you know how aggressive the taxis can be. It can be very overwhelming) And I did need a ride, but I didn’t know where to. By the time I dragged myself and my suitcase to a place that had wifi, I was in tears.

I got in contact with my host who graciously offered to come and pick me up. When he showed up, he was a big jolly fella who was instantly warm and kind. As soon as I met him, all of my worries and stress from the day washed away.

Fifth Stop: Nusa Penida

The Airbnb I chose to stay at, was beautiful. It had these gorgeous wooden cabins, with a pool in the middle. The host was so amazing, making sure all the guests had enough beer and water. Every morning he delivered homemade breakfast and coffee right to your door. It was truly an amazing place.

The next day, the Germans I had met way back in Uluwatu had arrived at the island, and they offered to come and pick me up on their scooter to join them on an adventure to check out the sights.

solo vacation - cute hut style air bnb in nusa penida

Nusa Penida is definitely off the beaten track. The island is not commercialized, so the roads are very, very bad. Basically just piles of rocks. We took these scooters all around the island, and I don’t know how the tires didn’t pop. We ended up finding this road called, Never Ever Ever Take This Road, and we decided we were going to take it. It was a very steep, uphill road, that consisted of very large rocks. Somehow we managed to get up it, despite one of the guys wiping out. It was hilarious, and at times we were barely moving.


solo vacation - guys scaling down mountainside in nusa penida

We went to famous sites like Devils Pool and Kelingking Beach. We found another waterfall that we decided to go to, but you had to take this super sketchy trail on the side of a cliff. The trail was held up by wooden rails nailed into the mountain, and you had to scale down barefoot, using your feet and toes to grip into the walls. Once we got to the bottom, we were greeted with the tiniest, little pool of water. Hardly a waterfall! That was the sketchiest climb I’ve ever done.


The next day I hired a driver to take me on a scooter around to the other side of the island. It was absolutely beautiful. I think it is one of the best places I’ve been to because it is still largely untouched. There was a gorgeous beach that we climbed down to get to. That night I went to one of the bars to have drinks. This place had bean bags you could just relax on, right on the beach. I ended up staying the night there and was woken up in the morning to some guy poking me with a rake. I couldn’t understand what he was saying. When I got up, the whole bar was full of people eating breakfast. It was very awkward walking out of there to say the least!

Sixth Stop: Flores

After Nusa Penida, I was off to the airport to catch a flight to Flores. Since I was on this side of the world, I really wanted to see Padar National Park and Komodo Dragon Island. I booked these flights last minute, which I don’t recommend as they were VERY expensive, but I was adamant about going. So I booked a flight there for one day, just long enough to do a day tour to all the islands.

solo vacation - sunset overlooking the harbor in flores

When I arrived in Flores, I walked to a place that I had booked within walking distance of the airport. When I got to the street, it was a very long, dirt road. Of course, I thought. So I had to pick up my stupid rolling suitcase again and carry it all the way down the road. By the time I got to the place and checked in, it turns out I had booked it for the next week. And they were full that night. Go freaking figure!

They ended up helping me find a new place, and one of the guys that worked there offered to take me and my luggage. So the two of us fit on his scooter, with my suitcase between his legs. The new place I ended up booking, was on a beautiful part of the island right in a harbor. I found this awesome place at the top of a cliff to eat and watch the sunset. Life was simply good!

The next morning I was getting picked up for my tour at 5 am. As I was getting ready to leave, I couldn’t get inside of my locker. I started to panic because that was were my tour paperwork was (to prove I paid), the passport I needed to prove myself, and my camera! There was NO way I was going to go on this tour without that stuff. Somehow I must have accidentally changed the combination. So I start wandering around the hostel, looking for anyone, someone to help me.

Then I saw this guy sleeping on a table under a sheet, he turned out to be security. I asked him if he could help, and he showed up with a giant screwdriver. He just stuck it in my lock and popped it right open. Then he asked me to pay him! I was a little taken aback by having to pay for assistance from the very place I had paid to stay at… But I was so grateful that I didn’t bother with it and paid him.

solo vacation - overlooking padar island from the top viewpoint

I went to many places on this tour. Padar Island was probably one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen. It was truly like stepping back in time, being in the land of the dinosaurs. Then we went to Komodo Dragon Island, where I got to see live komodo dragons! It was so freaking cool. The tour guides know how to pose you so that you can get a picture where it looks like you’re standing right behind them.

There were a couple of other places we went snorkeling, saw pink beaches,  but honestly, by the end of the tour, I was SO exhausted that I didn’t even get off the boat at the last stop.


Seventh Stop: Ubud

The next day I flew back to Bali, where I headed straight to Ubud. I booked this hostel that was in the middle of this amazing rice field. The walk to and from it was so wonderful. The hostel itself provided a nice breakfast in the morning, overlooking the rice fields. You really couldn’t ask for anything more.

I met some really cool people at the hostel. Two of these german girls invited me on a tour of the rice fields and temples, which were stunning. We tried some of the Luwak coffee, which is coffee made from the beans that these Luwaks poop out! Surprisingly it tasted good. It is also a very expensive coffee. Who woulda thought?

solo vacation - walk along path to hostel in ubud in rice fields

There are so many things to do in Ubud from the temples, rice fields, monkey forest, and traditional dance shows. Something I really wanted to do in Ubud, was this sunrise volcano hike. One of the girls from the hostel decided to join me, and we got picked up at 2 am to start out ascend. Each person was given a headlamp for the hike since it was pitch black outside. There were so many people hiking up this volcano, that we had to hike in a single file line basically.

At one point I remember looking up, and just seeing the sky littered with so many stars, and saw this trail of headlamps going up into the distance to the very top. It was such a cool experience, one I won’t forget. Once we finally got to the top after a couple of hours, the sun started to rise and the clouds were rolling in. It was so beautiful. On the hike back down, we circled around the rim of the volcano, seeing the pockets of steam come out.

solo vacation - group posing on top of volcano above the clouds in bali

Last Stop: Back to Canggu

The girl I did the volcano hike with, we got along so well. It felt as if I had known her my whole life. She was taking off to Canggu, and I decided I was going to meet her there for my last days in Bali. I booked a hostel dorm room with her right on the beach. We spent our last days getting facials, having dinners, and going out dancing.

To commemorate our last day in Bali, we went and got tattoos together. It just so happened that we had flights at similar times, so we decided to go to the airport together. On the way, one of the wheels on my suitcase broke off, so I had to drag it down the road scraping against the ground. I also got my flight times wrong and was leaving earlier than I thought. So we had to haul ass to the airport, and I almost missed my flight. How typical of me!

solo vacation - lotus flower tattoo on forearm in bali
solo vacation - girl getting tattoo on her back in bali

Going on a solo trip to Bali was the most amazing thing I think I’ve ever done in my life. It was literally life-changing! From the local culture, the food, the landscapes, the people, the backpackers I met, the experiences I had, and all the revelations I discovered about myself, the world, and life. This trip only solidified my decision to travel the world full-time. It is something that I will always hold so dear to my heart, and even now as I write this, I miss it and long to go back.

If you are wanting to go on your own adventure, I have put together a guide on how to plan your first solo trip. And also everything you need to know before you visit Bali, if you’re planning on checking out this amazing island!

xx, christine

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  1. bliss

    It sounds like a life changing experience. It’s always amazing when you make friends on holiday.

    • Christine Poore

      it really was! and yes, making friends is one of the best parts of traveling <3

  2. sarah de gheselle

    I think it’s so brave to travel solo! I have never done it, so maybe that’s something I need give a try! Thanks for sharing your experiences.

    • Christine Poore

      You definitely should, it’s life changing 🙂 a chance to find your true self!


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